How do I deposit and withdraw assets?
1 Overview
Everyone can deposit their assets to highly secure Equalizer vaults to profit from flash loan fees made by the vault. This guide demonstrates how you deposit or withdraw assets from the Equalizer vaults using the Equalizer.
Always deposit assets via the official Equalizer website and always check the funds are sent to the right Smart Contract address before signing the transaction. Using other platforms can lead to a loss of funds.
2 Deposit Assets
This guide walks you through the process of depositing assets to Equalizer vaults. To learn about profits, Liquidity Provider (LP) Tokens and security see eVault, LP Token and Security deep-dive guides.
Depositing funds is very simple
Visit Equalizer Vaults.
Select a vault* you want to deposit your assets to.
Connect your wallet using the CONNECT WALLET button. This will open Metamask and prompt you to connect your wallet.
Click on Enable Deposit to deposit assets securely. You will be prompted to send a blockchain transaction that will enable a secure deposit of assets to the Equalizer Vault smart contract.
Enter the amount you want to deposit or select Deposit Max to deposit the available amount.
Select the gas price. Note that the transaction processing time depends strongly on the network congestion.
Click on SUBMIT to sign and submit the transaction via Metamask.
Congratulations! You deposited your assets successfully.
After you successfully deposit the funds, you will receive Liquidity Provider (LP) Tokens. You can learn everything about LP Tokens in the LP Token deep-dive guide.
3 Withdraw Assets
This guide walks you through the process of withdrawing assets from Equalizer vaults. To learn about profits, Liquidity Provider (LP) Tokens and security see eVault, LP Token and Security deep-dive guides.
Withdrawing funds is very simple
Visit Equalizer Vaults.
Select a vault* you want to withdraw your assets from.
Connect your wallet using the CONNECT WALLET button. This will open Metamask and prompt you to connect your wallet.
Click on Withdraw to open the withdrawal form.
Enter the amount of LP Tokens you want to withdraw or select Withdraw Max to withdraw the full amount.
Select the gas price. Note that the transaction processing time depends strongly on the network congestion.
Click on SUBMIT to sign and submit the transaction via Metamask.
Congratulations! You withdraw your assets successfully.
After you successfully withdraw the assets you will receive tokens and the LP Tokens you deposited will be burned. The amount of the tokens you receive depends on the LP Token price. You can learn everything about LP Tokens in the LP Token deep-dive guide.
Due to smart contracts limitations, the calculated withdrawal amount is computed with a precision of 10^-6. This means a limited precision in calculating the withdrawal amount.
*Note: If you don't find the vault, it is not yet listed on the Equalizer. To learn how to create and list a vault on Equalizer, see How do I create an Equalizer vault? and How do I list a vault on Equalizer? guides.
Last updated
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